Camera Obscuras
Photographic Cameras 1840-1940
__ complete name index __

For many years, I have dedicated a good part of my free time to index all names related to cameras, lenses and photographic accessories, and also people related to the technical development of the photography. I have taken infos from all the documentation I have been collecting: books, magazines, maker's catalogues, dealers' catalogues, exposition's catalogues, museum's catalogues, association newsletters, yearbooks, patent registrations, and specialized web pages. It has been a huge, never-ending task, still in progress...

All this information, compiled in a searchable file, allows me to find and date (almost) every maker, camera model or lens model ever made, from the beginning of the camera history until the gold era of the mechanic cameras.

As a sample, I'd like to share my personal index for the "Camera Obscuras. Photographic Cameras 1840-1940", edited in Prague in 1982, a book present in the library of many collectors.

The book contains information for 584 cameras. It is true that image quality is just acceptable, that some cameras are unidentified or with incomplete model name, and that some records contain errors or are incomplete. Even so, it can be noted the effort of the author (Ji
rí Janda) to do his best when he wrote the book. The book is particularly interesting because, it offers, among well know cameras, infos for rare or less know makers, pieces for which scarce information can be found.

Images are not in strictly correlative order. As indicated on the last page of the book, cameras with numbers 453, 551 and 568 were not available when the catalogue was made, so there is no image for them. All other cameras are illustrated. At the beginning of each chapter, an image without number are shown. They are duplicated or very similar, and correspond to:

page 12 ... #5
page 20 ... #6
page 30 ... #14
page 42 ... #20
page 54 ... #46
page 76 ... #169
page 138 ... #297
page 164 ... #313
page 178 ... #352
page 192 ... #411
page 210 ... #425
page 226 ... #472
page 246 ... #502
page 264 ... #516
page 288 ... #575
page 294 ... #581

the image without number at page 256 correspond to the camera #503

A couple of cameras have two images:

#58 ... pages 68 and 70
#292 ... pages 153 and 156


#13 ... A. Javerne & Co. ... A. Laverne & Co.
#83 ... Vizard Special ... Wizard Special
#165 ... decade of the 20th century ... decade of the 19th century
#326 ... E. Francis ... E. Français
#571 ... Made by H. Bellieni ... Made by Gallus
page 134 ... (missing number) ... 245

Originally, the book contains only this small index:

See below my complete name index for all cameras, lenses and shutters mentioned in the book. Some misspelled words and incomplete infos have been corrected. Generic names as Rapid-Rectilinear, Anastigmat, etc., have been obviated when the maker was not specified.

Hoping the owners of this book find useful my index!

errrr... this is a personal project, I have to say that I have no the time to answer questions about identification, date of fabrication or appraisals
(people asking me how much can they ask for his grandfather's camera...).
Thank you for understanding!


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last updated: July, 2024


© manualcamera 2024
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onomastic index for

Camera Obscuras
Photographic Cameras 1840-1940

black: cameras
blue: lenses
red: shutters
green: other
italic: name add

A. Moll Vienna ... 13
Adler 9x12 ... 68
Agfa 6.5x11 ... 228
Agfa Billy-Record ... 232
Agfa Captain ... 228
Agfa Igestar ... 232, 485

Agfa Karat ... 484
Agfa Karat ... 485
Agfa Solinar ... 484
Agfa Trollix 6x9 ... 385
Aldis Butcher ... 397
Anschütz Portrait Camera ... 35
Archer, Frederic Scott ... page 31
Aristotle ... page 13

Arndt & Löwengard Leonar I 9x12 ... 110
Artel Novaya Shkola ... 494
Astro Pantachar ... 488
Aug. Suchánek Prague... 70
Balbreck Aplanatic ... 540
Balda Rollbox 6x9 ... 383
Barbaro, Daniele ... page 13
Barnack, Oscar ... page 227

Bausch & Lomb ... 92
Bausch & Lomb Aplanatic ... 84, 531
Bausch & Lomb Planatograph ... 88
Bausch & Lomb Unicum ... 35, 87, 111
Bauz Periscopic ... 62
Beck Frena 8.3x8.3 ... 343
Beier Beira ... 486
Beier Flex Mediphot 6x6 ... 413
Bellieni 9x12 ... 497
Bennet, Charles ... page 41
Bentzin 12x16.5 ... 262
Bentzin Primarflex 6x6 ... 410
Bentzin reflex 6.5x9 ... 417
Bentzin stereo 9x18 ... 538
Bermpohl 13x18 ... 581
Bermpohl 7x9 ... 579
Bermpohl 9x12 ... 582
Berner Rapid-Orthoplanat ... 519
Berning Robot ... 479
Berning Robot ... 480
Berthiot Olor ... 399
Birmbaum Doxa 9x12 ... 154
Birnbaum Doxanetta 9x12 ... 162
Birnbaum Famus... 15
Birnbaum Karobox 6x6 ... 386
Birnbaum Super Perforeta ... 478
Blair Weno stereo 8x16 ... 533
Boumsell Longchamp ... 441
Bradác Kamarád I ... 434
Bradác Kamarád II ... 435
Brewster, David ... page 265
Burgess, John ... page 41

Burke & James Rexoette 6.5x11 ... 372
Busch Aplanat ... 522, 523
Busch Aplanatic ... 35
Busch Glaukar ... 305
Busch Petzval ... 26
Busch Rapid Aplanat ... 55

Busch Stereo Camera 9x18 ... 522
Cardano, Girolamo ... page 13
Carl Zeiss Anastigmat ... 54, 59, 63, 121, 251, 490, 518
Carl Zeiss Biotar ... 480
Carl Zeiss Citonar ... 301
Carl Zeiss Dominar ... 215
Carl Zeiss Kino Tessar ... 466

Carl Zeiss Minimum Palmos ... 275
Carl Zeiss Nettar ... 237, 300
Carl Zeiss Novar ... 137, 247, 382, 431

Carl Zeiss Palmos 9x12 ... 93
Carl Zeiss Planar ... 479
Carl Zeiss Protar ... 37, 50, 144, 497
Carl Zeiss Sonnar ... 159, 477
Carl Zeiss Teronar ... 432, 433
Carl Zeiss Tessar ... 64, 66, 106, 122, 123, 124, 140, 184, 212, 213, 214, 246, 248, 264, 266, 267, 268, 275, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 304, 311, 389, 390, 391, 392, 394, 401, 405, 406, 407, 415, 416, 417, 419, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 432, 433, 440, 476, 478, 506, 510, 511, 525, 529, 530, 558, 559, 560, 562, 564, 565, 566, 572
Carl Zeiss Triotar ... 158, 430

Carpentier Photo-Jumelle ... 505
Certo 6.5x9 ... 503
Certo 9x12 ... 155
Certo Certomat ... 503
Certo Certotrop 9x12 ... 156
Certo Certotrop 9x12 ... 157
Chevalier Le Grand Photographe (replica) ... 9
Chevalier, Charles and Vicent ... pages 21, 22, 23
Compagnie Francaise de Photographie Photosphere 13x18 ... 490
Compagnie Francaise de Photographie Photosphere 8.2x10,7 ... 491
Conley Citar ... 93
Contessa Nettel Altura 10x15 ... 158
Contessa Nettel Deck-Rullo 9x12 ... 297
Contessa Nettel Duchessa 4.5x6 ... 301
Contessa Nettel Duchessa 6.5x9 ... 302
Contessa Nettel Nettix 4.5x6 ... 300
Contessa Nettel Picolette 4x6.5 ... 311
Contessa Nettel Sonnar 10x15 ... 159
Contessa Nettel Sonny 9x12 ... 303
Contessa reflex 4.5x6 ... 402
Coronet Binocular 3D ... 574
Curt Bentzin 13x18 ... 46
Daguerre, Louis-Jacques Mandé ... pages 21, 22, 289
Dallmeyer Anastigmat ... 287
Dallmeyer Pentac ... 398
Dallmeyer Serac ... 396

Dallmeyer Snapshot ... 287
Dancer, John Benjamin ... page 265
Darlot Aplanatic ... 250
Deckel Compound ... 34, 47, 64, 65, 67, 106, 108, 112, 120, 136, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 148, 163, 173, 181, 182, 266, 284, 285, 286, 517, 528, 529, 530, 560, 562, 569, 581, 582
Deckel Compur ... 66, 96, 109, 121, 122, 123, 124, 146, 147, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 165, 167, 168, 169, 170 , 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 184, 186, 212, 213, 214, 215, 229, 234, 235, 238, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 267, 268, 272, 273, 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308, 311, 405, 406, 407, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 435, 437, 440, 442, 443, 447, 450, 465, 470, 478, 481, 482, 484, 486, 488, 499, 561, 583, 584
Deckel Compur S ... 436, 438
Deckel Compur Stereo ... 568, 570
Deckel Compur-Rapid ... 233, 248, 432, 433, 483

Delaye Le Prismac stereo 4x6.5... 573
della Porta, Giovanni Battista ... page 14
Disdéri, André Adolphe ... page 37
Dubroni ... 513
Duxochrom ... 581
Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company ... page 179
Eastman, George ... page 179

Eisenchimmel 13x18 ... 44
Eklin 21.6 x 16.2 ... 6
Erko 9x12 ... 153
Ernemann … 97
Ernemann 10x15 ...101
Ernemann 4.5x6 ... 279
Ernemann 6.5x11 ... 368
Ernemann 6.5x9 ... 280
Ernemann 9x12 ... 126
Ernemann 9x12 ... 127
Ernemann 9x12 ... 131
Ernemann 9x12 ... 338
Ernemann Bob ... 453
Ernemann Bob XV 8x10.5 ... 203
Ernemann Chronos ... 104
Ernemann Detektiv-Aplanat ... 126, 254
Ernemann Doppel-Anastigmat ... 203

Ernemann Ermanox ... 445
Ernemann Ernoflex I ... 418
Ernemann Ernoflex II ... 419
Ernemann Ernon ... 280, 418
Ernemann Ernoplast ... 454
Ernemann Ernostar ... 445, 453

Ernemann Heag 0/A 9x12 ... 102
Ernemann Heag I ... 103
Ernemann Heag II 10x15 ... 112
Ernemann Heag VI 13x18 ... 105
Ernemann Heag VI 9x12 ... 106
Ernemann Heag XIV 9x12 ... 211
Ernemann II series II 9x12 ... 104
Ernemann Klapp-Kamera 9x12 ... 277
Ernemann Liliput ... 253
Ernemann Mignon ... 254
Ernemann stereo 9x18 ... 527
Ernemann stereo 9x18 ... 544
Ernemann Vilar ... 103, 104
Ertee Aplanat ... 270

Ettinghaussen, Andreas … 6
Expo ... 507
Fauvel 9x12 ... 61
Fed ... 475
Fed Industar ... 269, 421
Fex Compa-Fex 4x6.5 ... 374
Folmer & Schwing Auto-Graflex 5x8 ... 401
Folmer & Schwing Graflex 6.5x9 ... 399
Folmer & Schwing Graflex 6.5x9 ... 400
Foto Bonatz Berlin ... 406
Français Aplanat ... 326
Franke & Heidecke Heidoscop ... 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430

Franke & Heidecke Heidoscop 45x107 ... 559
Franke & Heidecke Heidoscop 6x13 ... 560
Franke & Heidecke Magnar ... 428, 429
Franke & Heidecke Rolleicord ... 430
Franke & Heidecke Rolleidoscop 4x6.5 ... 562
Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex (127 film) ... 426
Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex (B I and B II film) ... 427
Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex (B I film) ... 424
Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex (B I film) ... 425
Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex (B II film) ... 428
Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex ... page 211
Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex Standard ... 429
Franke & Heidecke Rolleikin ... 428, 429
Friedrich Corygon ... 236
Gallus stereo 6x13 ... 571
Gaumont Block-Notes ... 264
Gaumont Block-Notes stereo 45x107 ... 541
Gaumont Elgé Anastigmat ... 541
Gauthier Derval ... 93, 237
Gauthier Ibso ... 128, 149, 164, 166, 236
Gauthier Pronto ... 134, 185, 231, 241, 448
Gauthier Prontor ... 230
Gauthier Prontor II ... 434

Gauthier Vario ... 117, 132, 133, 135, 154, 187
Giroux, Alphonse ... pages 21, 22
Gitzo ... 498
Glatter, V. ... page 289
Glunz 6.5x9 ... 175
Glunz 9x12 ... 160
Goerz 13x60 ... 578
Goerz 9x12 ... 138
Goerz Anastigmat ... 515, 520
Goerz Ango 9x12 ... 259
Goerz Anschütz 9x12 ... 255
Goerz Anschütz 9x12 ... 256
Goerz Anschütz 9x12 ... 257
Goerz Anschütz 9x12 ... 258
Goerz Box-Tengor ... page 179
Goerz Celor ... 202
Goerz Dagor ... 65, 92, 99, 115, 138, 139, 145, 146, 147, 258, 259 , 279, 284, 517, 545, 578, 580
Goerz Dogmar ... 148, 285, 286
Goerz Doppel-Anastigmat ... 36, 37, 190, 256, 255, 257,
Goerz Frontar ... 378, 379, 380, 381
Goerz Linkeioskop ... 294

Goerz Manufoc-Tenax 9x12 ... 145
Goerz Series C Aplanatic ... 91
Goerz stereo 9x18 ... 536
Goerz Syntor ... 134, 543
Goerz Taro-Tenax 9x12 ... 147
Goerz Taro-Tenax model III 9x12 ... 148
Goerz Tenax 10x15 ... 146
Goerz Tenax 4.5x6 ... 284
Goerz Tenax 4.5x6 ... 285
Goerz Tenax 6.5x9 ... 286
Goerz Tenax 9x12 ... 134
Goldmann 20x18 ... 16
Goldmann 21x27 ... 19
Goldmann 34x39 ... 22
Goldmann Ideal 325 9x12 ... 86
Goldmann Universal Detektiv Camera 12x16.5 ... 327
Goldmann Universal Detektiv Camera 13x18 ... 326
Goldwein 13x18 ... 45
Goldwein 18x24 ... 24
Goldwein 24x30 ... 42
Goldwein 6.5x9 ... 340
Goldwein 9x12 ... 316
Goldwein 9x12 ... 318
Goldwein Korina 6x9 ... 72
Goldwein Rapid 9x12 ... 57
Goldwein Tourist 9x12 ... 56
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor 10x15 ... 415
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor 13x18 ... 288
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor 6.5x9 ... 416
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor Compur Reflex 6.5x9 ... 405
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor Compur Reflex 6.5x9 ... 406
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor Compur Reflex 6.5x9 ... 407
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor Dresden ... 439
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor II ... 289
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor Special ... 439
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor stereo 9x18 ... 545
Goltz & Breutmann Mentor stereo 9x18 ... 558
Goltz & Breutmann Mentorett ... 439
Goltz & Breuttman Mentor ... 278
Goltz & Breuttman Mentor 6.5x9 (Little Mentor) ... 390
Goltz & Breuttman Mentor 9x9 (Little Mentor) ... 389
Gomz Sport I ... 421
Gomz Turist ... 269
Graflex Auto Reflex ... page 194
Gundlach Aplanatic ... 83
Guth Clarissa 4.5x6 ... 305
Guthe & Thorsch Pilot 6x6 ... 408
Guthe & Thorsch Pilot Super 6x6 ... 409
Guthe & Thorsch Pilotar ... 409
Guthe & Thorsche Pilot ... 440
Haake & Albers Krügeners Taschenbuch Camera ... 504
Hagen Anastigmat ... 544
Hauron... page 296
Hesekiel 13x18 ... 51
Hofer Duplar ... 384
Hofer Eho 3x4 ... 384
Hoffmeister Syrconar ... 179
Houghton Ensign Ensar ... 227

Houghton Ensign Reflex 4.5x6 ... 398
Houghton Ensign Selfix 6x9 ... 227
Houghton Ensign Special Reflex 9x9 ... 396
Houghton Ensign Special Reflex 9x9 ... 397
Houghtons Ticka ... 508
Houghtons Ticka ... 509
Hüttig Atom 4.5x6 ... 180
Hüttig Cupido 9x12 ... 139
Hüttig Excelsior 9x12 ... 323
Hüttig Excelsior 9x12 ... 324
Hüttig Furor ... 315
Hüttig Gnom 4.5x6 ... 331
Hüttig Helios ... 114, 116
Hüttig Ideal 10x15 ... 118
Hüttig Ideal 13x18 ... 114
Hüttig Ideal 13x18 ... 115
Hüttig Ideal 9x12 ... 116
Hüttig Ideal 9x12 ... 117
Hüttig Ideal 9x12 ... 119
Hüttig Ideal 9x12 ... 120
Hüttig Lloyd ... 118
Hüttig Lloyd ... 120
Hüttig Monopol 9x12 ... 337
Ica Atom 4.5x6 ... 181
Ica Atom 4.5x6 ... 182
Ica Aviso 4.5x6 ... 332
Ica Bébé ... 266
Ica Bébé ... 267
Ica Cupido 9x12 ... 140
Ica Darlina 10x15 ... 143
Ica Hekla ... 181, 183, 528
Ica Helios stereo 9x18 ... 543
Ica Icar ... 136
Ica Icar 180 ... 136
Ica Icarette 4.5x6 ... 215
Ica Icarette 502 6.5x9 ... 212
Ica Ideal 111 ... 122
Ica Ideal 225 ... 123
Ica Ideal 246 9x12 ... 121
Ica Juwel 13x18 ... 64
Ica Lloyd 8x10.5 ... 205
Ica Maximar ... 67, 182
Ica Maximar 207 9x12 ... 137
Ica Orix 308 10x15 ... 144
Ica Perfect 13x18 ... 39
Ica Polyscop 45x107... 566
Ica Raupp 6.5x9 ... 392
Ica Raupp 9x12 ... 391
Ica Reicka 680 stereo 10x15 ... 528
Ica Stereo Ideal 650 9x18 ... 529
Ica Stereo Ideal 650 9x18 ... 530
Ica Stereo Palmos 9x12 ... 525
Ica Trilby 31 9x12 ... 342
Ica Universal Aplanat ... 205
Ica Vitrix 4.5x6 ... 183
Ihagee 4.5x6 ... 185
Ihagee 9x12 ... 135
Ihagee Anastigmat ... 242, 404
Ihagee Auto-Ultrix ... 242
Ihagee Duplex ... 161
Ihagee Exakta (Kine Exakta) ... 412
Ihagee Exakta model A 4x6.5 ... 411
Ihagee Exaktar ... 411
Ihagee Luxus-Duplex 10x15 ... 151
Ihagee Neugold Troppen Photoklapp 9x12 ... 152
Ihagee Palm-Paff-Reflex 4.5x6 ... 403
Ihagee Palm-Paff-Reflex 6x9 ... 404
Ihagee Parvola ... 447
Ihagee Patent-Duplex 9x12 ... 150
J. Sengsbratt ... 391
Jas-Mignon 4.5x6 ... 186
Kaftanski Mini-Fex ... 488
Kajetán Mika stereo 9x18 ... 555
Kaufer Photo-Sac ... 502
Kemper Kombi ... 492
Kennet, Richard ... page 41
Kenngot Medio-Anastigmat ... 128
Kenngott Koilos ... 107, 129, 204
Keyzlar Okam 4.5x6 ... 347
Kochmann Korelle (New Korelle) ... 273
Kochmann Korelle ... 272
Kochmann Reflex Korelle 6x6 ... 414
Kodak Al-Vista Panoram ... 577
Kodak Anastigmat ... 200, 201, 274
Kodak Autographic Special model B ... 201
Kodak Autographic type A-122 8x10.5 ... 200
Kodak Baby Brownie 4x6.5 ... 370
Kodak Bantam ... 461
Kodak Beau Brownie 6x9 ... 369
Kodak Box 620 6x9 ... 375
Kodak Box 620 6x9 ... 377
Kodak Box 620 model B 6x9 ... 376
Kodak Brownie No.0 model A 4x6.5 ... 362
Kodak Brownie No.2 model F 6x9 ... 367
Kodak Brownie No.2A 6.5x11 ... 363
Kodak Brownie No.3 8x10.5 ... 365
Kodak Brownie Special No.2 6x9 ... 364
Kodak Bull's Eye 9x9 ... 352
Kodak Bull's Eye 9x9 ... 353
Kodak Bull's Eye No.4 10x12.5 ... 361
Kodak Cartridge No.4 4x5" ... 189
Kodak Cartridge No.4 4x5" ... 190
Kodak Diomatic ... 240
Kodak Eastman Plate Series C 4x5 ... 87
Kodak Falcon 9x9 ... 354
Kodak Flush-Back model A 8x10.5 ... 206
Kodak Folding Brownie model A 8x10.5 ... 217
Kodak Folding Pocket 6x9 ... 221
Kodak Folding Pocket Autographic ... 222
Kodak Folding Pocket Brownie 6.5x11 ... 216
Kodak Folding Pocket model B 6.5x11 ... 219
Kodak Folding Pocket model D ... 220
Kodak Folding Rabinow Hawk Eye model B 6.5x11 ... 223
Kodak Junior 620 ... 230
Kodak Junior No.4 10x12.5 ... 360
Kodak No.1 ... page 179
Kodak No.1A Folding Pocket ... 271
Kodak No.1A Pocket series II 6.5x11... 224
Kodak No.2 Folding Pocket 9x9 ... 194
Kodak No.2 Folding Pocket 9x9 ... 195
Kodak No.3 Folding Pocket 8x10.5 ... 193
Kodak No.3 Folding Pocket 8x10.5 ... 196
Kodak No.3 Folding Pocket 8x10.5 ... 197
Kodak No.3A Folding Pocket model B-4 8x14 ... 199
Kodak No.4A Folding Pocket 10.5x16 ... 198
Kodak Panatomic ... 461
Kodak Panoram Camera ... page 289
Kodak Panoram No.1 ... 576
Kodak Panoram No.4 model B ... 575
Kodak Petite 4x6.5 ... 225
Kodak Plico 9x9 ... 355
Kodak Pocket 4x5 ... 351
Kodak Popular Brownie 6x9 ... 366
Kodak Premo Pocket 8x10.5 ... 88
Kodak Retina I type 117 ... 481
Kodak Retina I type 118 ... 482
Kodak Retina I type 148 ... 483
Kodak Six 16 Brownie 6.5x11 ... 371
Kodak Stereo Hawk-Eye 8x16 model 6 ... 531
Kodak Super Six 20 ... 274
Kodak Vest Pocket ... 240
Kodak Vest-Pocket Autographic ... 310
Kodak Vest-Pocket-Autographic model B ... 239
Kodak Vollenda 620 ... 229
Kodak-Nagel 18 6.5x9 ... 178
Kolár Box-Kolex 4,5x6 ... 349
Kolár Kola ... 450
Kolár Kola-Diar ... 456
Kolár Kolex ... 187
Kolár Rekolar ... 187
Konoshi 16x21 ... 40
Koula 18c24 ... 49
Koula 18x24 ... 31
Koula Veka 18x24 ... 47
Krauss Le Photo Revolver ... 511
Kreidl 13x18 ... 63
Kreidl 9x12 ... 328
Kreidl 9x12 ... 60
Krügener 9x12 ... 92
Krügener Delta ... page 166
Krügener Delta 6.5x9 ... 80
Krügener Delta 9x12 ... 319
Krügener Delta 9x12 ... 79
Krügener Delta 9x12 ... 81
Krügener Delta 9x12 ... 82
Krügener Delta Periscop ... 552
Krügener Delta stereo 9x18 ... 521
Krügener Delta stereo 9x18 ... 551
Krügener Million stereo 9x18 ... 552
Krügener Rapid Delta Periskop ... 81, 339
Krügener Simplex ... page 212
Krügener Simplex 9x12 ... 422
Krügener Special Alpha Camera 9x12 ... 339
Krügener Triumph 9x9 ... 356
KW Patent-Etui ... 179
Laack Dialytar ... 186, 235, 278
Laack Pololyt ... 133, 176, 241, 487
Laack Polynar ... 118, 455

Lancaster & Son Instantograph ... 17
Lancaster achromatic ... 57
Langer Elko 10x15 ... 96
Langer Elko 9x12 ... 95
Langer Kmox 9x12 ... 78
Laverne Periscopic ... 13
Le Coultre Compass ... 452
Le Docte 9x12 ... 423
Le Franceville 6.5x9 ... 336
Lechner (Müller) stereo 9x18 ... 534
Lechner (Müller) stereo 9x18 ... 537
Lechner (W. Müller) 9x12 ... 251
Lechner 12x16.5 ... 38
Lechner David-Apparat ... 58
Leitmeyer Sytar ... 154
Leitz Anastigmat ... 466
Leitz Elmar ... 245, 466, 468, 469, 470, 472
Leitz Elmax ... 466, 467
Leitz Hektor ... 471

Leitz Leica ... page 227
Leitz Leica Compur (model B) ... 470
Leitz Leica I (model A / model C) ... 467
Leitz Leica I (model A) ... 468
Leitz Leica I (model A) ... 469
Leitz Leica I (model C) ... 471
Leitz Leica II ... 472
Leitz Leica III ... 473
Leitz Leica IIIa ... 474
Leitz Mikro Summar ... 466
Leitz Summar ... 473
Leitz Summitar ... 474

Leitz Ur-Leica (replica) ... 466
Leitz, Ernst ... page 227
Leonar 9x12 ... 130
Lewy Roth Minigraph ... 463
Lewy Roth Minigraph type B ... 462
Linhof 9x12 ... 65
Linhof Standard 4.5x6 ... 66
Linhof Technika I 13x18 ... 67
Loman stereo 9x18 ... 557
London Stereoscopic Artist 9x12 ... 387
Loukota 13x18 ... 62
Loukota 18x24 ... 53
Loukota 9x9 ... 357
Ludwig Bellar ... 434
Ludwig Graf...359
Lumière 6x9 ... 226
Mackenstein stereo 45x107 ... 540
Maddox, Richard Leach ... page 41
Mader Invincibel ... 52
Magyár Fém Es Lámpaárugyár R.T. 9x12 ... 69
Maloch, Jan ... page 265
Martens, Friedich von ... page 290
Maxwell, James Clerk ... page 295

Meopta Sola ... 489
Meopta Wiko ... 487
Meyer Anastigmat ... 288, 524, 527, 539
Meyer Aristoplan … 97
Meyer Aristostigmat ... 80, 96, 109
Meyer Doppel-Anastigmat ... 100, 112, 127, 262
Meyer Doppel-Plasmat ... 581
Meyer Euryplan ... 296
Meyer Heliopan ... 153
Meyer Primotar ... 450, 465
Meyer Trioplan ... 135, 403, 410, 435, 436, 462, 464
Meyer Veraplan ... 150, 151, 152

Miethe, Dr. ... 579
Murer 6.5x9 ... 282
Murer Anastigmatic ... 282
Nagel Ranca ... 448
Nagel Recomar 6.5x9 ... 177
Nagel Vollenda ... 245
Neithold Knirps ... 455
Nettel 9x12 ... 296
Nettel Deck-Rullo 13x18 ... 295
Neue Görlitzer Stella ... 34
Neumann 9x12 ... 107
Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore ... pages 21, 23
Norton Camera ... 457
Novy Novus 24x30 ... 32
Novy Novus 24x30 ... 33
O.T. Amourette ... 464
Okam 4.5x6 ... 348
Optikotechna Spectaretta ... page 295
Optische Werke Portrait-Aplanat ... 49
Orionwerk 4.5x6... 236
Paspa Ruberg Futuro ... 446
Pautasso Vega ... 500
Petzval, Joseph Maximilian ... page 23
Photavit Standard II ... 465
Pittsburg STM Ulca ... 459
Plaubel Peco ... 394
Plaubel Anticomar (Antikomar)... 175, 306, 307, 308
Plaubel Makina 6.5x9 ... 306
Plaubel Makina 6.5x9 ... 307
Plaubel Makina 6.5x9 ... 308
Plaubel Orthar ... 173
Plaubel Peco 9x12 ... 173
Plaubel Rapid-Orthar ... 308
Plössel Achromatic ... 6
Polygraphe Arvin 13x18 ... 249
Popular Photograph Nodark 6.5x9 ... 322
Präcita 9x12 ... 174
Prerov Autoflex ... 436
Prerov Coloreta ... 584
Prerov Flexaret I ... 438
Prerov Mirar ... 437, 438
Prerov Optiflex ... 437
Prerov Spektar ... 583, 584
Prerov Spektareta ... 583
Prokesch, Váklav ... page 289
Puchberger ... page 289
QRS Kamra ... 495
Reichert Combinar ... 538
Reporter 3x4 ... 449
Richard Glyphoscope 45x107 ... 563
Richard Homéos ... 572
Richard Verascope ... 565
Richard Verascope No. R 60 ... 564
Riese Doppel-Anastigmat ... 142
Rietzchel Anastigmat ... 192

Rietzchel Clack 8x10.5 ... 191
Rietzchel Clack 8x10.5 ... 192
Rietzschel Adoptar ... 570
Rietzschel Anastigmat ... 290

Rietzschel Auto-Clack 9x12 ... 141
Rietzschel Baryt ... 388, 502
Rietzschel Heli-Clack 9x12 ... 163
Rietzschel Kosmo-Clack stereo 45x107 ... 569
Rietzschel Kosmo-Clack stereo 45x107 ... 570
Rietzschel Linear ... 569
Rietzschel Reform-Clack 9x12 ... 128
Rietzschel Sextar ... 163
Rochester Optical and Camera Cycle Poco Nº1 12x16.5 ... 85
Rochester Optical and Camera Poco 4x5 ... 84
Rodenstock Extra-Rapid Aplanat ... 108
Rodenstock Hemi-Anastigmat ... 113
Rodenstock Trinar ... 234

Rothgiesser & Schlossman Rothschloss ... 499
Roussel Maton ... 498
Roussel Stylor ... 571
Roussel Trylor ... 498
Rüdenberg Geroplan ... 143
Rüo Acomar .. 47
Schneider Componar ... 463
Schneider Isconar ... 149
Schneider Radionar ... 272, 273
Schneider Xenar ... 34, 155, 156, 160, 161, 162, 177, 178, 263, 412, 413, 414, 481, 482, 483
Seneca Improved View ... 55
Sida ... 460
Simon Anastigmat ... 117
Sommer 9x12 ... 263
Spitzer Espi ... 142
Stasek, P. Florus Ignatius … 6
Steable Polyplast Satz V ... 41
Stegemann 9x12 ... 261
Steinheil 12x16.5 ... 312
Steinheil 9x12 ... 125
Steinheil 9x12 ... 313
Steinheil Antiplanet ... 19, 312, 313, 513
Steinheil Aplanatic ... 25
Steinheil Cassar ... 486, 582
Steinheil Unofokal ... 125, 157, 295

Steinheil, Carl August ... page 227
Stirn & Lyon Patent A stereo 9x18 ... 547
Stirn ... 512
Stöcking Union 21 9x12 ... 98
Stöcking Union 25 model I 8x10.5 ... 202
Stöcking Union 27 13x18 ... 100
Stöcking Union 27 9x12 ... 99
Stöcking Union 9x12 … 97
Stöcking Union stereo 9x18 model 30 ... 524
Süddeutsches Nettel 6.5x9 ... 294
Sudek, Josef ... 578
Suter Anastigmat ... 289
Suter Aplanatic ... 20
Suter Aplanatic No.2 ... 38

Suter stereo 9x18 ... 516 (same image on page 264)
Svensson Stella ... 535
Talbot Ertee ... 14
Talbot Essem Klapp-Kamera ... 270
Talbot, William Henry Fox ... pages 21, 23
Taylor, Taylor & Hobson Cooke ... 509
Thornton Pickard Duplex Rubby 6.5x9 ... 394
Thornton Pickard Royal Ruby ... 37
Thury et Amey ... 48
V. Albrecht ... 523
Vejtruba 6x6 ... 444
Voigtländer (réplica) ... 10
Voigtländer 8x10.5 ... 204
Voigtländer 9x9 ... 358
Voigtländer Aplanat (not shown on the image) ... 514
Voigtländer Avus ... 164

Voigtländer Avus 6.5x9 ... 166
Voigtländer Avus 6.5x9 ... 167
Voigtländer Avus 9x12 ... 164
Voigtländer Avus 9x12 ... 165
Voigtländer Bergeil ... page 78
Voigtländer Bergheil 4.5x6 ... 168
Voigtländer Bergheil 9x12 ... 169
Voigtländer Bergheil 9x12 ... 170
Voigtländer Bergheil 9x12 ... 171
Voigtländer Bergheil De Luxe 6.5x9 ... 172
Voigtländer Bessa ... 233
Voigtländer Brillant ... 442
Voigtländer Brillant ... 443
Voigtländer Collinear ... 46, 168, 169, 358
Voigtländer Collinear III ... 204
Voigtländer Dynar ... 568
Voigtländer Heliar ... 39, 171, 172, 393, 395, 400, 561, 567
Voigtländer Perkeo ... 244
Voigtländer Petzval ... 8, 10, 16
Voigtländer Radiar ... 170

Voigtländer reflex 18x24 ... 395
Voigtländer reflex model 661 6.5x9 ... 393
Voigtländer Rollfilm 5x8 ... 238
Voigtländer Skopar ... 165, 166, 167, 238, 243, 244, 442
Voigtländer Stereflektoscop ... page 266
VoigtLander Stereflektoscop 6x13 ... 561
Voigtländer Stereophotoscop 45x107 ... 567
Voigtländer Stereophotoscop 45x107 ... 568
Voigtländer Virtus ... 243
Voigtländer Voigtar ... 233, 443
Voigtländer, Peter Friederich ... page 23
Vojta 13x18 ... 260
Vojta 18x24 ... 48
Vojta Rectilinear ... 51
Vojta stereo 9x18 ... 520
Vojta stereo 9x18 ... 539
Waibl Petzval ... 7
Smetana, Josef Frantisek … 7
Wanaus 21x27 ... 29
Wanaus 30x40 ... 74
Wanaus 9x12 ... 250
Wanaus stereo 13x21 ... 514
Wanaus stereo 9x18 ... 515
Watson and Sons 24x30 ... 27
Welta 6.5x9 ... 176
Welta 9x12 ... 132
Welta 9x12 ... 133
Welta Perle ... 231
Welta Weltar ... 132
Welta Weltur ... 234
Weltar Anastigmat ... 231
Wheatstone, Charles ... page 265
Wizard Special Nº 93 ... 83
Wolf 4.5x6 ... 501
Wollaston, William Hide ... pages 14, 22
Wollensak Extra-Rapid Aplanat ... 52
Wollensak Optimo ... 201
Wollensak Velostigmat ... 40
Wünsche Juwel 9x12 ... 333
Wünsche Kobold 9x12 ... 334
Wünsche Mars 12x16.5 ... 320
Wünsche Mars 13x18 ... 321
Wünsche Mars stereo 9x18 ... 549
Wünsche Sport 9x12 ... 344
Wünsche Sport Stereo 9x18 ... 553
Wünsche stereo 6x13 ... 542
Wünsche stereo 9x18 ... 518
Zahn, Johann ... 1
Zapp Minostigmat ... 496
Zapp Minox Riga ... 496
Zeh 9x12 ... 149
Zeiss Ikon 4.5x6 ... 184
Zeiss Ikon Bébé ... 268
Zeiss Ikon Bobette I ... 454
Zeiss Ikon Box-Tengor 4x6.5 ... 379
Zeiss Ikon Box-Tengor 6x9 ... 378
Zeiss Ikon Box-Tengor 6x9 ... 380
Zeiss Ikon Box-Tengor Baby-Box 3x4 ... 381
Zeiss Ikon Box-Tengor Baby-Box 3x4 ... 382
Zeiss Ikon Cocarette ... 237
Zeiss Ikon Contax I ... 476
Zeiss Ikon Contax III ... 477
Zeiss Ikon Contessa Nettel 6.5x9 ... 299
Zeiss Ikon Ergo ... 506
Zeiss Ikon Icarette 551/2 6x9 ... 214
Zeiss Ikon Icarette 6.5x9 ... 213
Zeiss Ikon Ideal 6,5x9 ... 124
Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex I ... 431
Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex II ... 432
Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex III ... 433
Zeiss Ikon Ikonta ... 246
Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 521 ... 247
Zeiss Ikon Miroflex ... 420
Zeiss Ikon Nettel 10x15 ... 298
Zeiss Ikon Sonnet 4.5x6 ... 304
Zeiss Ikon Super-Ikonta 533/16 ... 248
Zulauf Bébé ... 265
(maker not specified) Alba 6.5x9 ... 335
(maker not specified) Auto ... 84
(maker not specified) Fotonette ... 458
(maker not specified) Merlin ... 325
(maker not specified) Prima ... 174
(maker not specified) Record ... 276
(maker not specified) Rekord ... 345
(maker not specified) Siko ... 456
(maker not specified) Suchet Triplet ... 560
(maker not specified) The Noble 13X18 ... 108